Tuesday, December 07, 2004

My FUK (ing) Trip ...hee hee that never gets old

Here is my Visa!!!
The reason behind my trip across the East Sea ( which was a little rough I might add due to the typhoon that battered the Philippines). So this is my story....After a long day on a bus, subway and a ferry I managed to make it to Fukuoka unharmed and without losing my breakfast. I checked in to my hotel - which had one of the smallest hotel rooms I have ever been in. There was only enough room for a single bed and a tiny desk. Luckily I had my own bathroom - although very small it was clean ( and by clean I mean free of bugs) and had lots of hot water! I have to admit I was incredibly tired and still hung over from Friday night (gotta love those 2 day hangovers). I managed to walk around a bit - enjoying the Japanese ambiance. Everything in Fukuoka is much cleaner then Korea..and everyone is much more fashionable. I felt a little dumpy in my jeans and MEC jacket amongst the high fashion of the Japanese....note for next time is to wear better clothes. So , I went to bed reasonably early with a plan to be at the Korean Consulate when it opened at 9:00am Monday morning. I arrived at the Consulate just before nine and took a little walk around the neighborhood (see photos below). However, the next 3 and a half hours was spent at the consulate's attempting to negotiate my visa. Although I heard they sometimes give people a hard time when they request their visa the same day - I didn't expect I would actually have any problems. BIG mistake!
The "consulate guy" (as he will be referred to from this point on) told me that they would not issue my visa before 4:30pm that day ...Unfortunately my ferry was scheduled to depart at 2:15pm. It was the last ferry of the day - I had little money left and was expected to be back at work on Tuesday...needless to say I began to panic.
However, after several hours and...I will admit a few tears (a girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do) the "consulate guy" issued my visa. Horrah!!!! So I jumped in a taxi and managed to make it to my ferry just in time. I have never been so relieved in my life....So now I am officially working in Korea. I want to go back to Japan and do it properly. Maybe Fukuoka...Definitely Osaka (Nori and Naoki I promise I will visit you next time I am in Japan).
Ciao Colleen


At 8:54 p.m. , Blogger S A J Shirazi said...

I have tracked you from here and emailed.


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