Ok ok ok...today Jon reminded me that it has been a while since my last update....so here I am updating you on what has been happening in my life.
Besides the usual humdrum of daily existence, the last few weeks have been pretty low key.
As not to bore you too much...I will skip ahead to today's events:
Today my class went on a field trip to Seoul Grand Park Zoo. despite what I was told (that there would be lions and tigers) we ended up at a farm zoo and spent the morning watching bunny rabbits, sheep and ponies...and surprisingly some monkeys (Koreans must have a loose definition of 'farm animals').
It was a fun day and my students loved it (at least it sounded like they did from their high pitched squeals).
As I might have mentioned, Spring has come and as of this week feels like it is almost over with...they had the AC on in several shops and in the subway....summer is well on it's way!!!
I have even seen a few mosquitoes and my first fogging truck of the season....which reminds me I should keep my windows closed....I have no doubt those chemicals are as nasty as I imagine them to be.
Tomorrow Jon arrives ..yeah!... and we are off to Boryeong Saturday morning for our first-ever weekend getaway. It's our 6th month anniversary, which is pretty impressive considering the distance between our homes right now (almost 9,000kms), so it seems a little strange that this is our first road trip together (excluding India of course). But it's true.
I am so excited to see him again and to spend the next 10 day together. wow!
There will be plenty of photos and stories to follow.
Enjoy the photos of my day at the zoo (below)....and for the record, I know I look like an idiot in the photos...not sure what happened (maybe someone sprinkled crack onto my bagel...but I doubt it...it's likely a bi-product of working with screaming kids all day ... that dazed and confused look, complete with eyes glazed over) , but the kids look cute, so just try to avert your eyes from moi .

Neptune Class at Seoul Grand Park Zoo
back row: Christoph, me, Michelle, Eric B, Joshua
front row: William, Jenny, Eric C , Roy
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