Happy New Years
Here I am - back in the land of the morning calm.
I arrived yesterday morning (December 31st) just in time to watch the sun rise over the mountains. It was even more beautiful then I remembered and I must admit, I have fallen in love with Korea all over again.
However my renewed passion for Korea was temporarily overshadowed by the fact that my luggage did not arrive on the same flight I did. I was told that it was 'stuck' in LA. After filling out the necessary 'lost luggage' forms and being reassured my bags were on the next flight, I arrived to my apartment with nothing more then my purse.
Luckily, after some help from my manager Scully my bags were delivered to my apartment. Thanks Scully. I also want to give a big thanks to the very helpful people at Asiana and to the (surprisingly) cheerful courier who delivered my bags at 3:30am this morning. I am very grateful.
So my New Years Eve was far less exciting then the past. I spent the night alone in my apartment watching re-runs of CSI and sleeping....hmm.
If it wasn't for Jon calling me at midnight from England I am sure I might have slept through the whole thing. Thanks Jon for making my New Years special (twice).
For the next 14 months, I will be living in Jukjeon.
As you know, I have returned to the school I worked for last year and I am excited to be reunited with my students tomorrow morning. Also, many of the same coworkers and friends are still at my school and it will be fun to catch up with them over the next while.
As 2007 begins I can't help but to reflect on things. I know I keep saying this, but I have had an incredible last 4 months - maybe the best times of my life (so far).
I have seen things, done things and met people who have impacted and changed not only how I see myself and the world around me, but how I see my future. My life is definitely on a new path and I am eager to see where it takes me.
I am also excited to get back to updating my blog more frequently. It feels like it has been a while and I have to admit I have missed it.
I hope everyone has had a great New Years and that you are looking forward to the next year as much as I am. I will be updating again more frequently and will have some new photos of my apartment and students in the days to come.
So stay tuned.
Ciao Colleen
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