Monday, March 05, 2007

So the last week has been incredibly busy at school - preparing for the new students, saying goodbye to the old ones.
But it's all over. The new semester has officially begun and everything is going smoothly (and by smoothly, I mean to say - we haven't received all our textbooks from the supplier and I found out I have another student starting tomorrow -just as I was about to go home tonight...but other then that - things are going smoothly).

Today was our entrance ceremony which means that I got to meet all of my Kindi students and their parents for a few hours, sing some songs and eat some food. Everyone is excited to start class tomorrow (although we have no books , so it looks like more games and perhaps some coloring...the new classroom can always use more decorations).

Besides school , I am now over my 3 week-long cold and feeling better then ever. Even despite an unexpected snowfall today, my spirits are high. Hopefully the good times keep rolling on.
Stay tuned.


At 3:33 a.m. , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Colleen,

Your blog is great. It's clear that you're getting a lot out of your experience in Korea; it's a cool that you get to share your experiences with others.

My name is Blake (I live in Brooklyn), and I started a small company that creates educational music, specifically hip-hop music. It's called Flocabulary. We just completed an interesting project with a small Korean company called Swagger Lou Press to create Korean-themed hip-hop. We produced a song called "Ahn Nyeong Ha Sam" that is full of references to Korean culture. We've put the song on our site as a free download. You can listen here.

If you like the song, I was hoping you might be able to mention it in your blog. (I'm trying to make Flocabulary my full time job - your efforts would help).

Thanks Colleen. Definitely let me know if you have any questions.




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