Thursday, May 24, 2007

Wednesday to Friday

Here is a photo of Jon and some of my students. We ate lunch with them one day (Jon's enjoying some cake). My students were so excited to see Jon every day and have been asking about him every day since he left.
Here is the funniest photo I have of Christoph...I call this his angry face. He is one of the smartest in the class, but also one of the worst behaved. He gets in trouble daily, which means I get to see a lot of his angry face.
I admit, it makes me laugh sometimes.
On Thursday night Jon and I went to watch Nanta. The show is a non-verbal performance where the performers used cooking utensils, pots and pans to make music and included everything from magic to acrobats and a food fight. It was a fabulous performance and Jon even got pulled up on stage. They dressed him up as a groom with traditional Korean clothes and hat, and he had to taste soup. It was hilarious!
They said they will email us a photo (since we weren't allowed to use our cameras during the performance), so I will post it as soon as we get it. After the show , we had some Mexican food in Itaewon. The waiter actually made Jon wear a funny sombrero the first time he took this photo (but Jon's face looks too funny for me to post the photo online) here is the second photo the waiter took *without the hat*.

Here is a photo of Jon and me on Friday night. We went to an Italian restuarant that my coworker, Kathryn reccommended. It was definately more Korean then Italian, which should really not have been a surprise. The dried flowers and tacky interior was worth it! I think Jon described it best: like his great aunt's kitchen....yes!
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