Life has definitely settled into more of a routine now, and after 4 months of travelling it is kind of nice to be staying in one place for a while. The ants and I are still sharing my apartment, and my fridge has not been repaired - but it's home.
My new class is doing really well, although I don't feel as connected to them as my previous students. But considering I taught my previous class for 12 months, it is easy to understand.
In another month the class I am teaching now will graduate and the students will attend regular elementary school. This means I will be getting a new class of little ones, but for now these 10 kiddies (see photos below) are all mine.
Life outside of school has also been going exceptionally well. As some of you know, I have finally met someone and he is fabulous.
What's the catch you may ask? ...nothing in this life comes easy ....
He lives in England ... yep...that's right.... England.
We met in India (you may remember me mentioning a 'Jon' in the desert tale blog) and have been talking, emailing and web camming (is that a verb?) every day since.
In the past I would have most likely refused to be apart of anything resembling a long distance relationship ...I remember griping in the past that I could never date someone from Hull because it was over the river and the bus service sucked (among other obvious reasons to not date French men....Kelly I am sure you remember 'the list'?).
But this is different -
and although I will be in Korea for the next year (13.5 months to be exact), we are going to try our best to make it work.
First step : Jon is arriving Wednesday for our first 'visit' - which hopefully will be one of many throughout the year.
It's all very exciting, romantic and yes, I admit.. a little crazy - but we're going for it.
Sometimes in life all the pieces start to move closer together - and it feels amazing.
I know that happiness is just moments of joy strung together - and there will be hard times ahead-
I am trying hard to enjoy the moment and ride this wave for as far as it will take me.
To the future and to finding a string of happiness

Everyone loves arts and craft's time!!
Raina, Dana, Ozzy, Robert and David making So-go's.
(traditional Korean drums)

Clare making a funny face

Saturn class showing off their finished art projects
(making So-go's was 'so' fun...hee hee)

Some of our students waiting patiently for music class to start.
Hey chick!
3 days to go!! I bet you are SO excited! I hope you and Jon have a great 5 days and many more to come!
Spray the ants with some bleach, or fry them up with some veggies for a little extra protein!!
Have a great weekend
Hels xx
oh oh oh! exciting stuff! :)
i have all my fingers crossed for you. makes the typing a little slow, but i've heard it can work wonders. ;)
ps - and right, tell me about "crazy" ...
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