Friday, May 26, 2006

My week - not so interesting, but still worth a read or two

I hope you are all well and having a good week.

I have come down with my 100th case of tonsillitis and plan to visit the doctor again tomorrow for some more antibiotics (give me the magical drugs ju-se-yo) all of my students were asking me 'teacher hurt?" as they pointed to their throats....
'yep hurts'.
Good thing my job requires me to talk all day (and by talk I mean scream at little kids to sit down and listen)

Last night my coworker Sue and her hubby Justin (my two new best friends) joined me in a fun game of basketball (my excuse to add more exercise to my week).
We found a basketball court pretty close to our school - actually its part of another apartment complex. So we kind of had to pretend that we lived there "nothing suspicious here...move along folks".
It was a lot of fun and I realized exactly how much I suck at playing basketball...soo embarrassingly bad...but good fun!

After our "game" ...and by "game" I mean something that Justin calls 'around the world 6 times’(basically taking turns shooting at the net while moving around the court, doing rediculous poses complete with sound effects..WHOOOUP!!!) - we met up with BoNa and Sam for a few drinks and a bite to eat.
They took us to a new section of our neighborhood that can only be described as "so much better then where I this really Jukjeon?"
We managed to drink so much that the bartender gave us a free soccer ball- whohoo.
Not sure if I have mentioned it yet, but Korea is playing in the World Cup and it is "World Cup Feva!!" (yep...I think I have all of the Korean soccer chants memorized......K-O-R-E-A...Let's go!!).

Anywhoo - we got home just after 1am...was very tired for class today (expected non?)
but well worth the lack of sleep.

Tonight I am off to Dongdaemun (shopping area of Seoul) to look for some new sandals and then grab some drinks with the gang i.e.: BoNa (Sam has a work thingy, so won't be coming tonight), Sue, and Justin.

No other plans for the weekend. I have been saying for weeks that I need to get some things sorted to ship to Canada - so this is finally the weekend (procrastination no more!!)
Next Wednesday is a holiday, thanks to the local elections that are being it will be nice to have a mid-week break from the kiddies.

Promise to update you again soon


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