Life is good. I mean really good.
I am trying hard to find the right words to describe how I feel without making you lose your breakfast on your please be patient.
I’ll start with ‘really good’ for now.
Jon came for the long awaited visit. It was just 5 days, but it was amazing and in retrospect it felt like a lot longer (which is a great thing).
I admit – the fact that I had to work 3 out of the 5 days is not terribly exciting but we did get to spend a couple of our days together touring around Seoul and I got to introduce Jon to a few of Korea’s cultural highlights.
Jon was really incredible with the fact that I had to spend more then half of his vacation at work. He actually came to school with me for 2 days and met everyone I spend my days with: coworkers, students and my bosses.
My students loved meeting Jon, especially the boys who forced Jon into playing soccer with them at every chance they got (yep – Jon you were such a good sport).
He was even there for our monthly birthday party and even joined in with ‘show and tell’ on 2 occasions: the highlight which was a stuffed rat, which still remains nameless despite my best efforts.
Friday night we met some of my coworkers for drinks at our local ‘pub’ – which really isn’t a pub at all...more of an ugly restaurant that fills with loads of Koreans sucking back soju and eating what can only be described as bar cereal (think fruit loops mixed with beer nuts and ringos....surprisingly yummy).
On Saturday we spent the day in Seoul sightseeing around Gyeongbokgung palace, Insadong and finished the day off with some Mexican food and drinks in Itaewon (the foreigner area of Seoul). Although it’s hard to find good Mexican food, the margaritas did not disappoint.
Apparently there was an earthquake Saturday night – but it must have happened while we were at the bar – because the only thing we noticed was that photos had fallen from my wall when we returned home ...I actually didn’t learn about the earthquake until Monday morning at work. (yep –slightly disappointed I didn’t get to feel it).
Sunday we returned to Seoul and spent the afternoon in the infamous Dongdaemun Market and then met my friends Sue and Justin for some veggie food and drinks.
Jon left Monday night to return back home to (dare I say... snowy) England.
Despite too much Kimbap and not nearly enough time together, it seems that Korea (and I) have made quite the impression, because Jon is planning to return for a long weekend over the Easter holiday – which will mean not only that we get to spend more time together, but I will get a chance to show him around my favorite Korean city: Busan.
So stay tuned for more ‘romantic’ updates.
On another note, the ants – which seemed to have disappeared for a few days have come back in full force. I actually looked around last night and saw only a few stray ones climbing along my kitchen wall – BUT when I awoke this morning the army had somehow organized itself into a mass of ants that appeared determined to overtake my apartment once and for all.
So having just purchased a combo ant trap/ ant spray kit I feel totally ready to take back my apartment. It isn’t very ‘Buddhist’ of me , but as I am sure you understand, this ant thing has gone on for far too long and it’s time to put my foot down , or in this case spray their little butts to death.
Sorry to the ants, but my compassion only extends so far. You have crossed the line.
Besides the juicy love life and the official war cry directed toward the ants in my apartment, there isn’t too much else going on.
Sue’s birthday is tomorrow and we will be celebrating over the weekend. I am sure there will be some good stories to tell. (Happy Birthday Sue!!!!)
My class is also going snow sledding tomorrow – I have fond memories from last year’s sledding adventure.
I have added some photos below for you to pore over.

Jon and me enjoying a Korean version of Indian food.

Not the best photo of me (might have had a bit too much to drink the night before)
- but this is us at Gyeongbokgun Palace

Jon waiting for the bus